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  • Writer's pictureSara (Hessenflow) Harper

Connecting Human Health to the Land -- Farmers Helping Doctors to Use Food As Medicine

Regenerative farmer and soil health advocate Jimmy Emmons shares his latest passion: helping farmers grow food that helps fight disease.


Tomorrow, the Global Food & Farm Community will have a conversation with regenerative farmer and soil health advocate, Jimmy Emmons.

Jimmy is working with a local doctor to not only grow and provide food to be used as medicine but to help other farmers do it too!

FreshRx is a cooperative effort between farmers and doctors that has resulted in some great reductions in diabetes and less need for medication!

In our call, Jimmy will share more about the program and the work he and other farmers are doing for it.

Join the Conversation

Members of the curated, ad-free Global Food Farm Community are able to join the conversation live tomorrow at 2pm eastern or watch a recording of the event in our digital library whenever they want.

Members, click here or on the image below to take you to the event page where you can add the event to your calendar, RSVP to receive a reminder 30-minutes prior to the call, and join the Zoom call at the appropriate time.

Not a member, join now.



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